Aviagen presents Canadian Poultry Research Council with $25,000 sponsorship

Aviagen Inc., the inaugural sponsor in the Canadian Poultry Research Council’s new research program, has presented the council with a $25,000 sponsorship — the first in a series of three annual sponsorships. The council is an industry-led organization with a mandate to support poultry research in Canada through funding, communication of research results and research-related activities, such as coordinating conferences and meetings on industry research priorities.

Aviagen Inc., the inaugural sponsor in the Canadian Poultry Research Council’s new research program, has presented the council with a $25,000 sponsorship — the first in a series of three annual sponsorships.

The council is an industry-led organization with a mandate to support poultry research in Canada through funding, communication of research results and research-related activities, such as coordinating conferences and meetings on industry research priorities. Sponsor contributions will be used to enhance member organization annual funding to support the demand for industry research funds.

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