EuroTier 2014 to offer agriculture solutions for the future

The world’s leading trade fair for animal husbandry professionals, EuroTier, will be presenting solutions for the future of agriculture atthe Fairgrounds in Hanover from Nov. 11-14. This is evident from the 270innovations that exhibitors have submitted to the organizer DLG.

The world’s leading trade fair for animal husbandry professionals, EuroTier, will be presenting solutions for the future of agriculture at the Fairgrounds in Hanover from Nov. 11-14. This is evident from the 270 innovations that exhibitors have submitted to the organizer DLG. On the one hand innovations that sustainably increase and secure the operating profit will be shown. On the other hand the solutions contribute to matching the constantly widening target corridors in animal farming between keeping conditions in line with animal welfare and environmental conservation and working conditions in line with human needs. Moreover global expertise from industry, agriculture, science and research and consultancy is available at EuroTier. With its unique information program, EuroTier offers orientation and solutions for mastering present and future tasks in animal farming. This makes the trade fair the most important impulse provider for individual farmers as well as the entire sector. 

2,300 exhibitors from 50 countries will be showing a complete program for animal husbandry professionals. The stand booking figures are slightly below the record result of two years ago. Despite the fact that the World Poultry Show will only be represented at EuroTier again in 2016, the exhibitor participation is outstanding with further growth in the program for professional animal farmers.

International participation

Nearly one in two exhibitors comes from abroad, with the largest contingent coming from the Netherlands (180 companies). There are also large numbers of exhibitors from France (133), China (119), Italy (91), Denmark (80), Spain (62), Austria (52), the United Kingdom (49), Belgium (47), Turkey (46) and Poland (41). DLG sees the high international participation as a clear indication of the continued global orientation of companies and agribusiness with its worldwide interrelations. The companies want to use the EuroTier platform specifically to develop new markets.

High demand for information among animal farmers

Animal farmers have an undiminished need for information. The farm managers and herd managers on the farms need the most modern and professional concepts possible in order to line up their farms for the future. This applies for all questions of animal breeding, feeding, keeping, management, logistics, and in particular questions of animal health and animal welfare. The latest findings and approaches to this will be discussed every day at EuroTier in a large number of expert lectures and discussion panels. As the Federal Association of Practising Veterinarians (Bundesverband Praktizierender Tierärzte / bpt) is again holding its annual congress overlapping with EuroTier at the Fairgrounds in Hanover, there will be an intensive exchange of opinions and experiences between veterinarians and farmers from all over the world on questions of animal health. 

Global prospects

The more dynamic development of the global economy is driving the demand for meat. In 2014,  a rise of 1.5 percent is expected in the global demand for meat. Demand is thus growing more strongly than in 2013, which showed an increase of 0.7 percent. Globally, the record harvests of grain and oilseeds are leading to falling prices for feed. This leads to better cost-efficiency in animal husbandry and gives producers leeway for investments. As a consequence, the quantities produced will increase. In the case of pork, the drivers of production are South America with a growth rate of 2.1 percent, compared to the year 2013, sub-Saharan Africa with 2.0 percent, and Oceania (Australia and New Zealand) with 2.9 percent. Brazil is strengthening its slaughtering capacities with a view to improve its competitive position on the international markets too. As a result of the improved access to international markets, it can be expected that Brazil’s meat production will grow further. Production growth will be limited by the sustained logistical difficulties and by the growing shortage of labor. The latter problem is boosting demand for automation machinery and equipment in animal husbandry. 

Russia-Ukraine conflict

Following Russia’s import ban, goods from the EU as well as from North America and Australia will have to seek new markets at short notice. This can lead to a higher supply level and pressure on producer prices. Long-term effects will depend on the duration of the import ban and the possibilities of developing new markets quickly.

DLG Trendmonitor Europe:

  • According to the preliminary results of the current DLG Trendmonitor Europe, the present business situation in Germany is stable with a score of 2.6 points (compared with 2.5 points in autumn 2013) and continues to reflect satisfaction. The market crop producers assess their situation as good as ever with a score of 1.8 points (compared with 2.3 in spring 2014) – the commercially better than average recent years have led to a high satisfaction level. The situation for dairy farmers is stable (2.4 points). The decline in milk volumes delivered in the summer ensured stable producer prices. Pig farmers are less satisfied with the current business situation. Although the ban on pork imports for Russia has been in place already since spring 2014, and following the price collapse in February, prices have recovered distinctly and are currently at a stable level of around EUR€1.65. These framework conditions have cemented the present price level and are checking upward trends. The expectations of business development in Germany have clouded over. The current difficult market environment – low grain prices, import ban, high milk supplies and loss of the important business with Russia – is leading farmers to look at business development in the coming 12 months more sceptically.
  • Farmers in the UK and Poland consider their present business situation to be stable. The farmers rely less on exports of their products and are correspondingly less strongly affected by Russia’s import ban. The trouble-free harvest in 2014 has also ensured that the farmers in both countries assess the economic situation as stable. Expectations of business development by farmers in the UK and Poland are also stable. The farmers in both countries are less strongly affected by the difficult situation on the export markets. The relief on the cost side due to sinking feed prices is leading to farmers being cautiously optimistic about business development in the coming 12 months.
  • According to the preliminary results of the current DLG Trendmonitor, farmers in France are again less satisfied with their current business situation. The difficult harvest conditions have led to partly poor grain qualities. Consequently the grain can only be marketed as feed grain. The grain producers are thus cut off from export business and surcharges for better qualities. Although the animal farmers are benefiting from lower prices for feed, French pig farmers have been badly hit by Russia’s import ban. The business prospects of farmers in France have also clouded over considerably. The price level for feed grain, which has been harvested in larger quantities, does not allow cost-covering prices. Buyers are already seeking grain of a better quality abroad. Furthermore, the sustained high backlog of modernization in France’s meat processing industry has led to losses on international markets and thus lower sales opportunities.

Strong readiness to invest in Germany, Poland and UK

Despite the difficult market environment, the farmers surveyed are going to invest. Fifty percent of the farmers in Germany and in Poland state that they are planning investments in the coming 12 months. Animal farmers in Germany too remain willing to invest. Forty-seven percent of the pig farmers and 55 percent of the dairy farmers have investment plans for the coming 12 months. In the UK, 54 percent of the farmers questioned plan to invest. This represents a growth rate of 23 percent by comparison with the survey in autumn 2013. The farmers in these three countries are thus pursuing their strategy of farm development even in the more difficult market environment. According to the preliminary results, investment willingness of farmers in France has dropped. Their readiness to invest has plummeted from 28 percent in autumn 2013 to only 10 percent in the current survey. France’s farmers traditionally react more fiercely to uncertainties caused by policy-making.

The main target of investments by farmers in Germany and the UK is to optimize ongoing production. By contrast, farmers in Poland are growth-oriented. They want to expand the capacities of existing production. Farmers in France want to reduce costs via investments in cooperation with other farmers. 

Farmers in Germany aim to channel 42 percent of the planned investments into farm operations, 50 percent into field operations and 8 percent into renewable energies. Farmers in France are increasingly planning investments in farm operations. 38 percent of their planned investments are to flow into this area (compared with 23 percent in autumn 2013). Around one-third of investments in Poland and the UK will target farm operations.

Social environment plays increasingly significant role 

Alongside the market frameworks oriented to supply and demand, the social environment of animal production is playing an increasingly more important role in the development and implementation of operating strategies for animal farmers. According to the latest figures of the DLG Trendmonitor Europe for autumn 2014, for farm managers in Germany, Poland and the UK the focus is on improving animal welfare in keeping systems. Around 60 percent of the farmers questioned state that innovations in this field are particularly important. Innovations concerning data management for more efficient herd management are also important for farmers. The trends in machinery and equipment expected by farmers thus directed more to animal welfare and improved herd management.  

EnergyDecentral 2014

Around 350 specialist exhibitors will be taking part in EnergyDecentral 2014, the international trade fair for innovative energy supply. This corresponds to a slight reduction by comparison with 2012. The stand booking results are understandable as a consequence of the amendment of the Renewable Energy Act with its negative effects for manufacturers and users. Policymakers are called upon here to create an entrepreneurial environment that does not impede the innovative thrust of an entire industry, but instead promotes it sustainably.

Operators of biogas plants have to optimize their systems in the currently difficult framework conditions in order to secure their cost-efficiency. EnergyDecentral will thus be providing a comprehensive program of information on plant optimizing and offer solutions for plant operators.

High visitor numbers expected

The framework conditions for animal production and the positioning of EuroTier as the world’s leading trade fair lead to strong interest on the part of visitors from both home and abroad. This year DLG expects similar visitor levels as in 2010, when around 145,000 specialists came to EuroTier.

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