CCPA Group ThermoTool temperature & humidity sensor

The ThermoTool temperature & humidity sensor from CCPA Group is an application that allows ruminant, pig and poultry breeders to calculate and evaluate the risks of heat stress for their animals, based on ambient temperature and humidity.


The ThermoTool temperature & humidity sensor from CCPA Group is an application that allows ruminant, pig and poultry breeders to calculate and evaluate the risks of heat stress for their animals, based on ambient temperature and humidity.

Until then, the application used to send real time data from the nearest weather station, thanks to the geolocation of the phone. Now the application can also be connected to a sensor to be placed in the farm buildings.

The ThermoTool application detects the sensor as soon as it is set up, up to a distance of 50 metres, and offers the THI captured in the farmyard.

The ThermoTool application has been designed with a simple and visual interface, so that farmers can easily identify the level of heat stress risk in their herd. 

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