The Space-Ray LoPro brooder, measuring 13 inches high, produces a powerful 42,000 BTU/Hr on low pressure models and is also available in a high-pressure model. This brooder provides up to 5 percent more heat than other brooders. Its 60-degree emitter angle also optimizes the heat pattern and creates a large, wide heat pattern at litter level.
The LoPro is a maintenance friendly brooder with an easy access orifice. The LoPro comes with factory pre-assembled components and can be assembled in less than five minutes using just a single tool. This is an energy efficient radiant heating system that can save fuel and reduce maintenance. This LoPro brooder is engineered with a stainless-steel burner to resist corrosion, humidity and ammonia.
Space-Ray radiant gas brooders operate using the same principle as the sun. Before heating the air, radiant warmth is delivered directly to the birds and litter area where it is needed most, passing heat directly to the litter and the birds themselves before heating the air. This helps dry out the litter, keeping ammonia levels lower, and the heated floor acts as a thermal reservoir, trapping and recycling heat to save energy.