Ecuador is exporting chicken to the Bahamas

The export of 690 MT of chicken during 2023 to this paradise has more significance than the amount itself.

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Ecuador is the seventh largest broiler producer in Latin America. Last year, this South American nation produced 263 million broilers or 500,000 metric tons (MT) of chicken. Although far from the first three producers (Brazil, Mexico and Colombia), it is positioned now within the list of one of the chicken exporting nations.

Last May, KFC and Avisid, the second largest Ecuadorian broiler producer, exported 28 MT of chicken to the Bahamas – the first ever export of chicken from Ecuador. Since then, they have been exporting one container per week. Up until last week, the Conave (the National Poultry Corporation) – which represents the interests of the main poultry producers in the country – reported that 440 MT of Ecuadorian chicken were exported from May to October of this year, and that they expect an additional 250 MT up to this December, for a total of 690 MT.

I think this is a wonderful achievement. While many Latin American nations struggle with avian flu and other diseases, stopping them from exporting, Ecuador has made it. Neighboring countries, such as Colombia or Peru, have chicken exports on their bucket list, but so far, for one reason or another, they have not succeeded.

But what does this achievement mean?

First of all, one of the highlights was the praising of the certification system by the agency Agrocalidad. The head of this agency said that one might think that the Bahamas is a small market, but the importance lies in the fact that this Caribbean nation depends on international tourism, and there are many international hotel brands there (meaning high standards). Therefore, for them, export volume is attractive. This export also means diversifying income from oil revenues.

Who knows, but maybe Ecuador will become another “Chile” in the region. I mean, Chile stands out for their remarkable quality systems, not for the huge amounts, such as Brazil (which also has high-quality chicken, don’t get me wrong). But all together (also including Argentina) are pushing the region to another level, in spite of all the mishaps. And listen! Ecuador has also just exported pork to Ivory Coast!

So, who would have thought that going to a beautiful setting in those Caribbean islands you would have Ecuadorian chicken for dinner!

What do you think?

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