Annual Ross association meeting addresses challenges to future growth

A well-attended Ross Asia Association Meeting inBali, Indonesia, brought Aviagen distributors and customers in the regiontogether to hear several international and senior Aviagen managers address keyfuture industry opportunities and challenges. For the past ten years, the associationmeeting has provided value to both the customers and the company whilemonitoring market developments in Asia and the global poultry industry.

Aviagen customers and distributors take part in the annual Ross Asia Association Meeting in Bali, Indonesia.
Aviagen customers and distributors take part in the annual Ross Asia Association Meeting in Bali, Indonesia.

A well-attended Ross Asia Association Meeting in Bali, Indonesia, brought Aviagen distributors and customers in the region together to hear several international and senior Aviagen managers address key future industry opportunities and challenges. For the past ten years, the association meeting has provided value to both the customers and the company while monitoring market developments in Asia and the global poultry industry.

Orapan Chansawat, vice president of Ross Asia, said:  "We look forward to this annual event which brings in all Ross customers from the Asian region.  They are the heart of our business and their response to this meeting enables us to share information and spend quality time with them all."

The current meeting was no exception and offered a varied program including a look into the structure and long term commitment of the EW Group, a second generation, privately held research and development organization with several fully-owned companies in animal genetics, health and nutrition markets. An Aviagen business update reviewed the progress in several major markets and was then followed by a presentation on the Indonesian market by the Livestock and Animal Health Ministry of Agriculture.

An interesting analysis of the competitive environment of the growth markets in the East versus the low-cost markets in the West set the stage for a review of process improvements in the Asian further processing industry.  A motivational presentation on 'Being a Runaway Success' completed the first day of the meeting.

The presentation "A Partnership in Technical Service" and a commentary on emerging and re-emerging disease across Asia started the subsequent day's agenda.  A China update, giving a detailed review of the current difficulties being experienced in the world's second largest market, was laid out in detail in a customer presentation before a critical review of key performance indicators in the slaughter house was delivered to the group.  The last presentation addressed genetic and research and development product development, leaving attendees with an in-depth view of what to expect from the Ross 308 as they move forward with their business plans for the future.

Attendee Tian Fu, Beijing Dafaun Poultry Breeding Co ., commented: "It was encouraging to get a review and update of Aviagen's strategy and an indication of what the genetic improvements will be in the medium to long term. It helps us manage the business and our people as we become more cost-effective and increase our output in the future."

Margaret MacKenzie, Inghams Enterprises in Australia, added: "Genetic improvement is most important, particularly the feed conversion impact on performance and maintaining the lead over competition.  What you are doing for me tomorrow on product improvements has our interest."

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