USPOULTRY Foundation awards $31,557 grant to Texas A&M

Texas A&M University recently received a$31,557 student recruiting grant from the USPOULTRY Foundation. The checkwas presented by Brian Barrett, president of Feather Crest Farms and USPOULTRYboard member, and TJ Klein, complex manager for Feather Crest Farms, to Dr.David J. Caldwell, professor and head, poultry science department at TexasA&M University.

Texas A&M University recently received a $31,557 student recruiting grant from the USPOULTRY Foundation. The check was presented by Brian Barrett, president of Feather Crest Farms and USPOULTRY board member, and TJ Klein, complex manager for Feather Crest Farms, to Dr. David J. Caldwell, professor and head, poultry science department at Texas A&M University. James Grimm, executive vice president of the Texas Poultry Federation, assisted with the check presentation.

"We greatly appreciate USPOULTRY's support of our student and departmental programs.  In the coming year, we plan to strengthen existing departmental student recruitment and development programs and develop new and innovative strategies for attracting youth to the department and the field of poultry science," Caldwell remarked.

The USPOULTRY Foundation board recently approved student recruiting grants totaling more than $183,000 to the six U.S. universities with poultry science departments and 14 other institutions with industry related programs. The Foundation provides annual recruiting funds to colleges and universities to attract students to their poultry programs.

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