Exports of U.S. broilers are expected to be lower than earlier projected, the USDA revealed in its August 12 World Agricultural Supply and Demands Estimates report. The agency stated that Russia’s restrictions on imports of U.S. poultry, announced on August 6, will contribute to the overall reduction in U.S. poultry exports.
According to the August WASDE report, the agency expects exports of U.S. broilers in 2014 to reach 7.22 billion pounds, down from its July projection of 7.36 billion pounds. The agency called for 2015 U.S. broiler exports amounting to 7.32 billion pounds, down from the July estimate of 7.48 billion pounds. U.S. broiler ending stocks for both 2014 and 2015 were unchanged at 605 million pounds and 645 million pounds, respectively.
Despite the anticipated decrease in broiler exports, U.S. broiler production is expected to be higher for both years than the agency forecast in July. The August WASDE report called for 38.4 billion pounds produced in the U.S. in 2014, up from its 38.23 billion pound projection made in July. U.S. broiler production in 2015 has been raised to 39.35 billion pounds, up from the July estimate of 39.32 billion pounds.
US turkey export forecast raised for 2014
The forecast for U.S. turkey exports has been raised for 2014. The August WASDE report calls for 737 million pounds in turkey exports in 2014, compared to 718 million pounds projected in the July WASDE report.
The forecast for U.S. turkey exports in 2015 was unchanged at 750 million pounds. Ending stock projections were also unchanged for both years, at 225 million pounds in 2014 and 310 million pounds in 2015.
The only change in U.S. turkey production reflected in the August WASDE report was a slight drop in 2014 production. The agency backed down from its July projection of 7.717 million pounds to 7.711 million pounds.