University of Manitoba gets funds for poultry research team

TheUniversity of Manitoba will receive $159,000 for a poultry research team toevaluate nutritional needs, egg quality, environmental factors and othermanagement practices related to the poultry sector's transition to morespacious housing for birds.

The University of Manitoba will receive $159,000 for a poultry research team to evaluate nutritional needs, egg quality, environmental factors and other management practices related to the poultry sector's transition to more spacious housing for birds. 

The funding for the poultry research team was announced by Canadian Federal Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz and Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development Minister Ron Kostyshyn.

The federal and provincial governments are investing $176 million in Manitoba under Growing Forward 2, a five-year, federal-provincial-territorial policy framework to advance the agriculture industry, helping producers and processors become more innovative and competitive in world markets. Growing Forward 2 focuses on research areas that are important to crop and livestock producers, including soil quality, nutrient management, land productivity and animal care.

Since 1906, the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences has been a leader in the agri-food industry in Manitoba. It offers diploma, bachelor and graduate programs focused on agricultural management, agribusiness, the environment and food and nutritional sciences.

"Manitoba's capacity for innovation in agriculture is critical if we are to maintain a sustainable and competitive agri-food industry. We truly appreciate the provincial and federal governments' support in developing that capacity," said Dr. Karin Wittenberg, acting dean of the faculty of agricultural and food sciences at the University of Manitoba.

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