USPOULTRY releases videos on food safety advancements

As part of its Poultry Insight series, USPOULTRY has created several videos that address food safety advancements in the poultry industry.

As part of its Poultry Insight series, USPOULTRY has created several videos that address food safety advancements in the poultry industry. The videos are a discussion with Rafael Rivera, manager of food safety and production programs for USPOULTRY. The series addresses how the modern food safety system developed, how food safety is implemented in the poultry industry, current food safety practices implemented at the farm and at the processing plant, and defines HACCP and how it works.

"USPOULTRY and our members recognize consumers have questions about the poultry industry’s food safety practices. This series of videos is designed to provide a general overview about food safety in the poultry industry, and we welcome any feedback from consumers who have additional questions," remarked USPOULTRY president John Starkey. 

“It is through funds generated by the International Poultry Expo (IPE) that USPOULTRY is able to create educational resources of this type. This video series is only an example of the IPE funds that have been directed back into the industry over the years. We value the support of our members and exhibitors that has allowed USPOULTRY to create and distribute this information,” said Sherman Miller, Cal-Maine Foods, Jackson, Miss., and USPOULTRY chairman.

One video addressing all of the food safety advancement areas can be viewed on the USPOULTRY YouTube page by clicking here. Videos addressing the individual areas can be viewed by clicking here. The videos can also be viewed on USPOULTRY’s website at

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