Sanderson Farms incentives offered by Cumberland County, NC

Sanderson Farms incentives offered by Cumberland County, NC

From WATTAgNet:

The commission for Cumberland County, North Carolina, on February 16 voted 4-3 to offer a $2.5 million incentive package to Sanderson Farms, which had hopes of building a poultry processing plant in the county.

Meanwhile, a similar incentives package was approved by the Robeson County Board of Commissioners, also in North Carolina. While Robeson County had earlier been identified as a possible site for the potential Sanderson Farms plant, Robeson County officials did not disclose to which company it was offering the incentives, identifying the vote simply as “Project Apple.”

Cumberland County had earlier denied incentives to Sanderson Farms, but after the election in November 2014 changed the membership of the commission, and after hearing that Sanderson would not pursue Cumberland County after the incentives were initially denied, the commission revisited the issue.

The measure in Cumberland County passed by a 4-3 vote, while Robeson County’s Project Apple passed by a 5-1 vote.

Cumberland County’s vote follows a February 2 public hearing on whether to offer the incentives to Sanderson Farms. The hearing drew both proponents and opponents.

The Cumberland County site being considered for the $95 million Sanderson Farms plant is in the currently vacant Cedar Creek Business Center in the community of Fayetteville.

Cumberland approves incentives for poultry plant

FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. (AP) - Cumberland County commissioners have approved an incentive package that they hope will convince Sanderson Farms to put a poultry plant in the county. The Fayetteville Observer reported ( the commission voted 4-3 Monday for a $2.5 million package for Sanderson, which once was considering Fayetteville for a $95 million plant.
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Cumberland Co. commissioners approve incentives for poultry plant

Cumberland County commissioners voted Monday to once again offer an incentives package to Sanderson Farms. In anticipation of inclement weather, several area school systems announced Sunday evening that they will dismiss students early Monday afternoon. Craig Hicks' daughter, Sarah Hurley, said her father left when she was 3 years old, but he reached out to her again when she was 15.
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