HATCH for Hunger spreads across Midwest

HATCH for Hunger has expanded its in-store presence from 65 stores in central Indiana to 136 Kroger stores across the Midwest, where shoppers can donate towards the cost of eggs for their local food bank by scanning a bar code at the checkout.

HATCH for Hunger has expanded its in-store presence from 65 stores in central Indiana to 136 Kroger stores across the Midwest, where shoppers can donate towards the cost of eggs for their local food bank by scanning a bar code at the checkout. HATCH is an organization that helps consumers to provide high-quality nutrition and protein, through the package of an egg, to undernourished people through food banks in their local communities. The program is made possible by partnering with grocery stores, farmers and local food banks. Kroger Co., Rose Acre Farms and Elanco Animal Health have announced the new face of HATCH to Kroger shoppers in Terre Haute with a ceremonial donation of 10,800 HATCH eggs to Terre Haute Catholic Charities Foodbank.

“Our need for eggs is continuous,” said John Etling, agency director for Catholic Charities Terre Haute. “Eggs are one of our most requested items by families, but always in short supply for us and many other food banks. Just one egg a day can provide a child half of their daily need for protein. Adding eggs to the diets of the one in six food insecure Hoosiers would provide them with more essential nutrients and high-quality protein to meet their body’s needs.”

To help organizations like Catholic Charities, HATCH designed giving options to make sure all donations go back to the local community where they were given.

“Kroger has been serving customers in our stores and local communities for 133 years. We continuously evolve and improve the way we serve both customers and communities. HATCH is an effective, 21st century approach to hunger relief,” said John Elliott, public affairs leader for Kroger Central Division. “Kroger is proud to partner with HATCH in order to provide generous associates and customers a way to donate high-quality, nutritious eggs to the undernourished in so many local communities like Terre Haute.”

HATCH was first launched in April of 2015 with Kroger stores in central Indiana. In 2015, HATCH provided more than half-a-million eggs to more than 43,000 families across the Midwest. “Elanco’s goal is to expand HATCH as a way to put high-quality protein at the kitchen table for those that may not have access to it today,” said Jimmy Owens, director of global strategy and operations at Elanco Animal Health.

“Our company’s vision is food and companionship enriching life, and we are excited about the role that HATCH can play creating a food-secure world,” said Owens. “Last year was a great start to the program, and together with partners like Kroger and Rose Acre Farms, we plan to offer even more creative ways for shoppers to support HATCH and get eggs to undernourished people in 2016 and beyond.”

To find a participating Kroger store near you, or make a donation online, visit www.HATCHforHunger.com

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