Sanderson Farms partners with AGgrow Tech

Sanderson Farms continues its commitment to animal well-being by partnering with AGgrow Tech, a leader in supplying certified Sustainably Grown animal bedding fiber.

Sanderson Farms continues its commitment to animal well-being by partnering with AGgrow Tech, a leader in supplying certified Sustainably Grown animal bedding fiber that comes from the production of Freedomâ Giant Miscanthus. AGgrow Tech has established an additional 2,300 acres of Freedomâ  in eastern North Carolina specifically for the poultry market. As part of this innovative initiative, AGgrow Tech will supply 1.8 million cubic feet of volume per year of premium bedding to Sanderson Farms. “This investment into the birds’ well-being will provide a healthier environment to deliver the best possible conditions,” says Randy Pettus, director of production for Sanderson Farms.

Sanderson Farms states that one of the major factors in the decision to add more volume from AGgrow Tech was the success they have consistently experienced using the product. A company spokesman says, “Our top priority is bird health — bedding that reduces ammonia while improving comfort. It just makes sense.”

AGgrow Tech animal bedding fiber was certified based on a comprehensive independent evaluation by SCS Global Services under what is considered one of the world’s most rigorous sustainable agricultural standards. The certified farms were assessed for a variety of factors including: sustainable production, ecosystem management and protection, resource conservation, fair labor protection, and community engagement.

All of the certified Sustainably Grown product supplied to Sanderson Farms’ Kinston and St. Paul's locations will be grown, harvested and produced locally from the AGgrow Tech’s Seven Springs, N.C., supply center. This agreement not only benefits Sanderson Farms and AGgrow Tech but will also add local jobs in the transportation and manufacturing sectors.

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