University of Arkansas receives student recruiting grant from USPOULTRY

The University of Arkansas recently received a $28,123 student recruiting grant from the USPOULTRY Foundation.

The University of Arkansas recently received a $28,123 student recruiting grant from the USPOULTRY Foundation. The grant was made possible in part from an endowing Foundation gift from the Monty and Margot Henderson Student Recruiting Fund. The check was presented by John Starkey, president of U.S. Poultry & Egg Association (USPOULTRY), to Dr. Mike Kidd, department head for the Poultry Science Department and director for the Center of Excellence for Poultry Science. Joining in the presentation were Margot and Monty Henderson and several poultry science students. Monty Henderson, retired president and COO from George’s Inc., is a past USPOULTRY chairman.

The University of Arkansas is one of the six universities in the United States that has a department dedicated to the study of poultry science. The gift will help support recruitment efforts, such as the annual Poultry Science Youth Conference, the youth broiler show at the Arkansas State Fair and other recruiting activities.

"The USPOULTRY Foundation’s contributions to the Poultry Science Department are vital to the mission of the department for recruiting future leaders of the poultry industry. The check will be used for numerous activities to educate youth on the career opportunities that a poultry science major has to offer," said Kidd.

The USPOULTRY Foundation awarded recruiting grants totaling $328,300 for the 2018-19 school year to 34 colleges and universities across the United States with either a poultry science department or a poultry studies program. The student recruiting program dates to 1994 when the USPOULTRY board of directors established the Foundation to provide annual recruiting funds to attract students to poultry studies and ultimately into careers in the poultry industry.

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