Products for the poultry industry performed well at this year’s SPACE awards, Innov’Space.
Nine of the 54 products recognized this year were exclusively for use in poultry production, while a further six were applicable to a number of species, including poultry.
A poultry product was also the recipient of a “three star” award, the highest in the program. The FAF La Reve ventilation system is designed for use with FAF La Reve Collective Cages, used for force feeding ducks. It offers horizontal ventilation and clips to the center of the cage modules, providing ventilation for two coops or 12 ducks. Air is drawn upwards, to avoid the introduction of feathers, by a cylindrical fan and blown downwards over a deflector which divides the air evenly and blows it downwards and across each coop.
2011 was the fourth time that a FAF innovation had been recognized under Innov’Space.
The new modular meat processing units from Isomir received two stars. These modular micro-factories offer smaller producers in the pig, poultry and rabbit sectors the opportunity to slaughter and process on-farm. Currently being sold in France and in its overseas dependencies, the units come ready assembled, needing only ground preparation and fitting out with slaughter and processing equipment. They can be added to over time and are compliant with current food processing legislation.
Ovoflash, from Actini’s egg processing division, was the recipient of one star. Ovoflash allows pasteurization temperatures to reach 74 C, while preserving the egg quality, and avoiding the coagulation of proteins or reducing foaming capacity. This optimization has been achieved not only as a result of heating technology, but as a result of high speed and short residence time. The system results in processed eggs with a lower bacteria count and a longer shelf life.