Environmental Bootcamp education program offered at 2015 IPPE

TheEnvironmental Bootcamp education program will be featured at the 2015International Production & Processing Expo and will highlight environmentalregulations that affect the poultry, egg and meat processing industries.

The Environmental Bootcamp education program, sponsored by U.S. Poultry & Egg Association (USPOULTRY) will provide an overview of the environmental regulations that commonly affect the poultry, egg and meat processing industries and discuss the importance of environmental audits and inspections. The half-day program is scheduled for Thursday, January 29, 2015, and will cost $50 for all registered International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) attendees.

The program will include a regulatory overview by Christian Richter, principal, The Policy Group. John Pierson, P.E., research engineer, Georgia Tech Research Institute, will discuss Stormwater NPDES Permitting and SPCC Compliance. James Faison, regulatory compliance manager, Mar-Jac Poultry, will present National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Feel Mills. Sam Hardin, P.E., consulting engineer, Clear Water Consultants, will review Environmental Reporting (Tier I, Tier II, and TRI Reporting), and Warren Howe, P.E., vice president, Woodruff & Howe Environmental Engineering, will discuss Environmental Audits and Inspections.

IPPE is the world's largest annual poultry, feed and meat industry trade show, hosted by USPOULTRY, the American Feed Industry Association and the American Meat Institute. It will be held January 27-29, 2015, at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta. People wishing to register to attend IPPE can do so online.

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