Several potential parties have shown an interest in purchasing the soon-to-close House of Raeford turkey cook plant in Raeford, North Carolina. Leading U.S. turkey producer Butterball has been identified as one company that may have a desire to purchase the facility.
Don Porter, executive director of the Raeford-Hoke Economic Development Commission, told the Fayetteville Observer that Butterball, which already owns a turkey hatchery in the community, appears to be one of the interested parties.
“I’ve heard that they’re interested,” said Porter. “I’m sure that if they are, we’ll be hearing from them pretty quickly.”
Porter added that others have also shown an interest in the House of Raeford plant, but added that he was unable “to gauge their sincerity.” He did not identify any of those possible buyers.
House of Raeford on announced on October 10 that it would close the turkey cook plant within 60 days, citing that it was not economically sensible to continue operations. In closing the turkey cook plant, the company will focus more of its energy toward the vertically integrated production of fresh, ready-to-cook, further processed and fully cooked chicken products.
Contacted by the Observer, House of Raeford spokesman Dave Witter would only reveal that interested parties have looked at the plant, but he did not identify those parties. Butterball spokeswoman Stephanie Llorente cited a company policy where Butterball does not comment on market rumors or speculation.