The USPOULTRY Board Research Initiative is requesting pre-proposals for the determination of the interaction of density and well-being in broilers and turkeys. Various countries and welfare certification groups have established guidelines on grow out density for broilers and turkeys. These guidelines vary greatly and are not based on scientific study in commercial conditions. By better understanding the interaction of grow out density, animal wellbeing and production measures in commercial conditions, objective maximum density recommendations can be developed.
The areas of focus for the research will include objective measures for determining broiler or turkey wellbeing in a commercial setting, the determination of the effect of density on broiler or turkey wellbeing in a commercial setting and the determination of the effect of density on production parameters in a commercial setting.
The deadline for pre-proposal submission is April 24, 2015. For more information, go to the USPOULTRY website and click on “Research” for complete instructions and deadlines.
The USPOULTRY Board Research Initiative was created by the Boards of USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation to address current issues facing the poultry industry. The USPOULTRY Board Research Initiative operates alongside the current USPOULTRY research program and augments the great success of the existing program by focusing additional resources toward defined areas of research.
USPOULTRY and its Foundation operate a comprehensive research program incorporating all phases of poultry and egg production and processing. Since the inception of the research program, USPOULTRY has reinvested more than $26 million dollars into the industry in the form of research grants, with the International Poultry Expo as the primary source for the funding. More than 50 universities and federal and state facilities have received grants over the years.