USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation announce the completion of a funded research project at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia, in which researchers found a practical method to reduce litter moisture. The research was made possible in part by an endowing Foundation gift from Wayne Farms and is part of the Association’s comprehensive research program encompassing all phases of poultry and egg production and processing. A brief summary of the completed project is shown below. A complete report, along with information on other Association research, may be obtained by going to USPOULTRY’s website, The project summary is as follows.
Project #705: Evaluation of the Combined Effects of Air Movement and Reduced House Relative Humidity on Bird Health and Welfare in the Early Phase of Commercial Broiler Production
(Dr. Michael Czarick, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia)
In a recently completed research project, Dr. Mike Czarick and colleagues at the University of Georgia studied the use of circulation fans to help reduce litter moisture in broiler houses. They found that increasing air movement at floor level during the life of a flock provided drier litter and improved paw quality. In addition, thermal stratification in a broiler house was reduced and allowed birds to distribute themselves comfortably throughout the house. Using circulation fans to help dry litter appears to cost less than using only conventional ventilation methods.
The research summary can be found on the USPOULTRY website. Information on other Association research may also be obtained by visiting the USPOULTRY website,