During Alltech's recent 25th International Animal Health and Nutrition Symposium, Dr. Rob Renema, involved in research at the University of Alberta, presented on post-processing quality and the development of value-added poultry meat and eggs.
His research has incorporated LinPro, the commercial 50:50 mixture of co-extruded flaxseed and peas. This ingredient is incorporated into hen diets at 17% to achieve minimal levels of omega-3 (principally in the form of ALA) of 300mg/egg. The corresponding standard in Canada to sustain a (“helpful”) label claim is 300mg omega-3 per 100 grams of meat.
Studies conducted at his Alberta laboratory have shown the benefits of supplementing hen diets with vitamin E at the 200 IU/kg level alone or in combination with bioplexed selenium. The stability of eggs appears to be relatively high when comparing raw product to boiled eggs although there is a marked deterioration in vitamin E level and the presence of malondialdehyde (MDA) and oxysterol when eggs are fried.
Dr. Renema considered that this is due to the fact that the egg is effectively a living system since it incorporates nutrients and enzymes required to support development of the embryo. In contrast meat shows poor stability with conversion of cholesterol to 7-ketodiolestrol and also to cholestanetriol which is potentially carcinogenic.