WATT Dashboard offers industry data

New online resource for animal agribusiness statistics and news

Agribusiness professionals from around the world are finding the WATT Agribusiness Dashboard a useful and valuable tool to discover market data and trends and news on the worldwide poultry, egg, feed, swine and related animal agribusiness industries.

The WATT Agribusiness Dashboard can assist in making better business decisions about strategies and revenue generation by gaining an instant understanding of global poultry, egg, swine and animal feed data faster and more conveniently than previously possible. This powerful business tool is used to review price, production and consumption data and how changes to that data can have an impact on you or your organization. It also provides instant access to industry news gathered from over 400 sources on the Internet.

Take advantage of our free trial  at www.wattdashboard.com  and determine for yourself if our business tool provides agribusiness data and news that improves your professional life.

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