Rogers Announces Proposed Cuts in FY11 Federal Spending

House Appropriations Committee Harold Rogers (R-Ky.) has released target spending levels for each of the committee's 12 subcommittees, targets that in some cases will require significant cuts for fiscal 2011.

House Appropriations Committee Harold Rogers (R-Ky.) has released target spending levels for each of the committee's 12 subcommittees, targets that in some cases will require significant cuts for fiscal 2011.

Across the whole federal government, the Defense Department was the only agency that would see its budget increased when compared with fiscal 2010 spending. The Pentagon is in line for $517.7 billion under the House GOP spending plan, an increase of $9.6 billion above the enacted fiscal 2010 level for its regular operations.

Outside of defense operations, many agencies would stand to lose billions of dollars in funding, compared to their current funding levels. The figures released by Rogers provide targets for each of the 12 Appropriations subcommittees. Republicans are looking for an $11.6 billion cut for Transportation-HUD accounts, which amounts to a 17 percent reduction from fiscal 2010 spending law.

The Commerce-Justice-Science spending bill would include $10.2 billion in cuts, a 16 percent drop from current levels. And the Agriculture Committee must find $3.2 billion in cuts, a 14 percent reduction from last year. The Appropriations Committee also released a table detailing the proposed FY11 spending for each of the 12 subcommittees. That table, in Word, is available at this site. 

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