Feed now included in Global Food Safety Initiative guidance document

The Global Food Safety Initiative has reissued its Guidance Document Sixth Edition to include key elements related to the production of feed. The document covers the feed safety management system, good manufacturing practice and HACCP-based requirements that shall be in place in a feed scheme’s standard, as well as requirements related to the competency of auditors carrying out feed production audits.

The Global Food Safety Initiative has reissued its Guidance Document Sixth Edition to include key elements related to the production of feed.

The document covers the feed safety management system, good manufacturing practice and HACCP-based requirements that shall be in place in a feed scheme’s standard, as well as requirements related to the competency of auditors carrying out feed production audits. Existing feed safety management schemes can now come forward for recognition through the Global Food Safety Initiative's benchmarking process, and if the scheme’s requirements are considered to be equivalent to those specified within the new guidance document, the scheme will achieve formal recognition by the initiative.

“Feed production is an integral part of the food supply chain," said Charles Stark, assistant professor, extension specialist — feed milling at North Carolina State University and chair of the Global Food Safety Initiative feed working group. "Experts worldwide recognize that unless feed is produced in a safe way, it can have a devastating impact on public health, the food and feed trade as well as food security. The working group was comprised of numerous industry stakeholders and we believe that what we have achieved is truly representative of the feed industry’s needs today.”

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