Aviagen Production Management School highlights poultry nutrition, best practices

Aviagen's 49th Production Management School, held from June 2 through June 29, focused on poultry nutrition, veterinary, hatchery operations, production and farm management best practices for managing successful breeder and broiler operations. The course, which was held in Alabama and welcomed 24 participants from 16 countries, featured more than 38 speakers from academia and the poultry industry in a pace of 46 classroom sessions, and 15 hands-on practical workshops, labs and live production facility visits.

Aviagen's 49th Production Management School, held from June 2 through June 29, focused on poultry nutrition, veterinary, hatchery operations, production and farm management best practices for managing successful breeder and broiler operations. 

The course, which was held in Alabama and welcomed 24 participants from 16 countries, featured more than 38 speakers from academia and the poultry industry in a pace of 46 classroom sessions, and 15 hands-on practical workshops, labs and live production facility visits. Three students were honored at the graduation ceremony at the end of the four-week course:

  • Roberto Haddad, Agroindustrial Proave, Costa Rica received highest honors
  • Joel Kopanica, Baiada Poultry, Australia received second highest honors
  • Issa Manasra, Fakieh Poultry Farms, Saudi Arabia received third highest honors
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