USPOULTRY appoints representative on U.S. farmers, ranchers alliance board

Bernard Leonard, retired group vice president of food service, poultry and prepared foods for Tyson Foods, has been appointed to serve on the U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance Board of Directors as a representative for the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association. Leonard is replacing Gary Cooper, COO of Cooper Farms and immediate past chairman of USPOULTRY, who stepped down from the board in August after two years of service.

Bernard Leonard, retired group vice president of food service, poultry and prepared foods for Tyson Foods, has been appointed to serve on the U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance Board of Directors as a representative for the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association.

Leonard is replacing Gary Cooper, COO of Cooper Farms and immediate past chairman of USPOULTRY, who stepped down from the board in August after two years of service. Leonard has many years of experience in the poultry industry, including serving 13 years with Tyson Foods, in addition to holding executive-level management positions with Hudson Foods, Southland Foods and ConAgra. He has served as chair of both USPOULTRY and the National Chicken Council.

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