Direvo completes laboratory scale development of low-cost lactic acid production technology

DirevoIndustrial Biotechnology GmbH (Direvo) announces thesuccessful completion of laboratory scale development of a fermentation processfor low cost production of L-lactic acid, a part of its BluCon technologyplatform. The technology platform enables one-step conversion of nonfood biomassto valuable chemicals, for example lactic acid.

Direvo Industrial Biotechnology GmbH (Direvo) announces the successful completion of laboratory scale development of a fermentation process for low cost production of L-lactic acid, a part of its BluCon technology platform. The technology platform enables one-step conversion of nonfood biomass to valuable chemicals, for example lactic acid. 

Direvo´s CEO Jorg Riesmeier stated, "Our proprietary bacteria ferment grass, straw and other agricultural and forestry wastes. We have improved yield and conversion rate dramatically over the last 18 months. Again, Direvo has proven the ability to rapidly develop novel biotech processes." 

The BluCon technology offers consolidated bioprocesses for production of biofuels and biobased chemicals. Consolidated bioprocessing is the conversion of lignocellulose into target products in a single step by microorganisms without additional enzymes. BluCon accepts various non-food biomass ranging from grasses and straw to agricultural and wood residues and can therefore be applied to a wide variety of feedstocks around the globe.

Riesmeier added, "The investments made so far in proprietary bacteria and processes laid a strong and competitive scientific and technical foundation. Currently, we are evaluating strategic options which will support further development and will bring our process rapidly to market. Further scale-up will establish the most cost effective production process for lactic acid."

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