Cargill sells Zootech brand to Irish animal health product manufacturer

Cargill sold its Provimi business's Zootech brand and French veterinary sales division to Bimeda, a manufacturer and distributor of veterinary pharmaceuticals and animal health products.The company says the sale of this sales division in France is consistent with Cargill Animal Nutrition's strategy of sharpening its focus on its core animal nutrition solutions and premix activities, as well as concentrating on product lines that can bring the most value to customers.

Cargill sold its Provimi business's Zootech brand and French veterinary sales division to Bimeda, a manufacturer and distributor of veterinary pharmaceuticals and animal health products.

The company says the sale of this sales division in France is consistent with Cargill Animal Nutrition's strategy of sharpening its focus on its core animal nutrition solutions and premix activities, as well as concentrating on product lines that can bring the most value to customers. 

The two firms have agreed that Cargill's Provimi business will continue to manufacture ruminant bolus products for Bimeda, activities that are core to Cargill's animal nutrition business in France. 

"By exiting this non-core business, we are able to better position our business in France to capitalize on growth opportunities in the animal nutrition industry," said Mark Poeschl, vice president and group director for Cargill's Provimi business. "In addition, Bimeda offers better opportunities for Zootech employees because it is better aligned with Bimeda's core business activities." 

The terms of the agreement were not disclosed. The transaction closed December 20, 2013, with the transfer effective January 1.

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