SPACE board of directors elects new president

The board of directors of Salon des Productions Animales (SPACE), who met in Rennes, France, on January 20, unanimously elected Marcel Denieul as president of SPACE. He succeeds Jean-Michel Lemetayer. Denieul has been president of the Ille et Vilaine Chamber of Agriculture since February 2013.

The board of directors of Salon des Productions Animales (SPACE), who met in Rennes, France, on January 20, unanimously elected Marcel Denieul as president of SPACE. He succeeds Jean-Michel Lemetayer.

Denieul has been president of the Ille et Vilaine Chamber of Agriculture since February 2013.

Denieul is a farmer in Janze, France, in a good agricultural and environmental conditions (GAEC) group with 10 associates whose main crops are milk, pork and Janzé chicken. He also is vice president of the Regional Chamber of Agriculture of Brittany, president of the GIE Elevages Bretagne and deputy secretary general of the National Federation of Milk Producers.

The board of directors is composed of 14 representatives of the members of SPACE: the Ille et Vilaine Chamber of Agriculture, the Regional Chamber of Agriculture of Brittany, the Parc Expo Rennes-Aéroport and the FRSEA Brittany.

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