Evonik releases crop year report

Evonik has released its 2013 Crop Year Report, which includes analyses of more than 600 new crop corn samples and more than 400 samples of soybean meal from new crop soybeans. Corn dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) nutrient values in the current report are based on more than 5,000 analyses conducted in 2013.

Evonik has released its 2013 Crop Year Report, which includes analyses of more than 600 new crop corn samples and more than 400 samples of soybean meal from new crop soybeans. Corn dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) nutrient values in the current report are based on more than 5,000 analyses conducted in 2013. The 2013 Crop Year Report provides a historical perspective on nutrient content of these major feed ingredients as well as regional variation for the 2013/14 crop year. The report has had international attention due to the quality of information and the importance of U.S. grains, soybean meal and corn DDGS to global feed production.

While we take responsibility to put this report together, we feel that what makes this report so successful is that it is entirely based on samples that are collected by our customers and analyzed through Evonik's industry leading AMINONIR laboratory service," according to Todd Fickel, technical service manager for Evonik.

For further information on the Evonik 2013 Crop Year Report, contact Todd Fickel at [email protected] or Dr. John Thomson at [email protected].

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