Banned antibiotics in Dutch animal feed now being investigated

The use of banned antibiotics in Dutch animal feed is now being investigated by the public prosecution department as part of a criminal investigation.

The use of banned antibiotics in Dutch animal feed is now being investigated by the public prosecution department as part of a criminal investigation. 

Food safety inspectors have closed 102 Dutch pig and veal farms and 11 German farms because they were delivered feed containing the antibiotic furazolidone, which is banned in Europe, according to the department. Business premises and a private house of a producer near Utrecht, Netherlands, have been searched as part of the investigation.

Food safety inspectors will decide if the animals on the farms should be destroyed. At the time, inspectors said the meat from the farms – sold in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands – would not be recalled because there was no immediate risk to public health, according to a report.

The report says the feed producer blames the contamination on manure from racing pigeons that gather at the farm.

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