OSI Food Solutions UK has won a Sword of Honour and Globe of Honour from the British Safety Council for 2015. The company’s production location in Scunthorpe has been in operation since 1988 and produces beef and sausage products for the restaurant industry. The company is constantly developing systems, policies and procedures to improve and sustain health, safety and environmental practices with the ultimate aim of ensuring people can work in a safe, ecofriendly environment.
OSI was one of 61 organizations worldwide this year that achieved a Sword of Honour, which is awarded to organizations who have demonstrated excellence in the management of health and safety risks at work. The company was also one of eight firms worldwide presented with a Globe of Honour, which is awarded to organizations that have demonstrated excellence in environmental management. Even more impressively, OSI was one of only seven companies globally that was successful in winning the "double" – both the Sword of Honour and Globe of Honour.
In order to compete for each of these awards, OSI needed to achieve the maximum five stars in both the British Safety Council’s health and safety management audit scheme and environmental management audit scheme for the period August 2014 to July 2015. OSI also demonstrated to independent panels of experts that it continues to be excellent in its health, safety and environmental management throughout the business – from the shop floor to the boardroom.
Mike Robinson, chief executive of the British Safety Council, said: “These awards recognize and celebrate the excellence of the winning organizations and their employees in managing health, safety and environmental risks. All of the Sword and Globe winning organizations share a commitment and resolve to achieving the highest standards of health, safety and/or environmental management. We are delighted that they are partners in helping achieve our vision that no one should be injured or made ill at work.”
OSI UK’s Safety, Security and Environmental Manager Ian Hurley said, “To achieve both the Sword of Honour and Globe of Honour awards represents that OSI Food Solutions UK is amongst the 'best of the best’ in health and safety and environmental management. We are incredibly proud of our team.”
The awards will be formally presented by the British Safety Council at a luncheon on Nov, 27. #awards #GOHSOH2015