Case Farms Morganton reaches one million man hours without a lost-time accident

Case Farms' Morganton, North Carolina processing facility has achieved one million hours without experiencing an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recordable lost-time accident.

Case Farms' Morganton, North Carolina processing facility has achieved one million hours without experiencing an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recordable lost-time accident. The Morganton facility of Case Farms, a fully-integrated poultry farming and processing group, reached this safety milestone on Tuesday, September 10, 2019. For the second time this year, Case Farms’ Goldsboro, North Carolia facility also reached this significant milestone.

An OHSA recordable lost-time accident is one in which an employee is so injured that the doctor has determined that the person cannot come to work at all. It usually takes about five to six months for a facility to reach one million man hours without a lost-time accident.

“Case Farms places worker safety at the center of our operations. Our recent accomplishments in Morganton and Goldsboro illustrate that commitment,” said Leonard Parks, Director of Human Resources, Case Farms. “We are proud of our employees’ daily commitment to workplace safety and are confident in our ability to achieve future safety milestones.”

In addition to efforts made by employees, Case Farms implements a company-wide worker safety program comprised of core elements that are essential to achieving and maintaining a strong safety and health program.

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