USPOULTRY Foundation awards grant to the University of North Georgia

USPoultry Foundation awards grant to the University of North Georgia.

The USPOULTRY Foundation recently awarded a $7,000 student recruiting grant to the University of North Georgia. The grant was made possible in part by an endowing Foundation gift from the Leland Bagwell Education and Innovation Fund and was presented by Gwen Venable, executive vice president of communications for USPOULTRY, to Dr. Linda Purvis, assistant professor of biology and poultry science at the University of North Georgia. Joining in the presentation were several university faculty and poultry science students.

Funds will be used for Poultry 101, a one-day training program on the basics of poultry that includes a judging component aimed at grades 5-12, 4-H Club, FFA and agriculture education program classes. Funds will also be used to support further education about the poultry industry among the university’s agriculture students. This includes visiting the USPOULTRY Foundation College Student Career Program at the International Poultry Expo, part of the International Production & Processing Expo, where the students can interview for full-time careers and internship opportunities.

“We are extremely thankful for the continued financial support of the USPOULTRY Foundation. As a small program, this funding is vital to helping us recruit students and raise awareness of our program and career options in the poultry industry. Our number one recruiting event that this grant funds is Poultry 101, which will be held again in person in February 2022. The funding from this grant continues to drive our recruitment, retention and education of future poultry professionals here at the University of North Georgia. Again, we cannot thank the USPOULTRY Foundation enough, and we look forward to seeing how our program continues to grow thanks to the funds from this program,” remarked Dr. Purvis.

The USPOULTRY Foundation board approved student recruiting grants totaling $302,510 to 26 colleges and universities across the United States with a poultry science department or industry-related degree program. The USPOULTRY Foundation provides annual recruiting funds to colleges and universities to attract students to their poultry programs. The grants are made possible by gifts to the foundation from companies, individuals and families, in addition to funds earned over the years at the International Poultry Expo, part of the International Production & Processing Expo.



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