Versova, one of the nation’s leading egg producers, has named Emily Battilega as its first director of sustainability. Battilega is an egg industry veteran, having held numerous leadership positions within Willamette Egg Farms, a Versova company and a diverse background in environmental responsibility, animal care and food safety.
In this newly created role, Battilega will apply her extensive leadership experience and egg production expertise, while leveraging her knowledge and passion for the team, the hens and the environment. Battilega most recently served Versova as a Business Unit Leader and will continue to be located at the company’s Oregon operations.
“The creation of this role shows our dedication and intentionality to building a robust and evolving sustainability program, and it is a direct reflection of our company’s values of Stewardship, Community, Excellence, Ownership, Quality, Execution and Continuous Improvement,” said JT Dean, president of Versova. “Emily’s experience in egg production and leadership within our company will drive success for this comprehensive initiative, and we are excited to see the impact she will have on our sustainability efforts.”
Versova has been actively engaged as a member of the U.S. Roundtable for Sustainable Poultry and Egg (US-RSPE), contributing to the development of the US-RSPE Sustainability Framework. The Framework is structured around the three pillars of People, Planet and Poultry, and includes 15 Indicators and over 100 metrics structured in three tiers of development.
Versova’s creation of this position formalizes the company’s long-term commitment to responsible egg production, and it is a deliberate step forward in the journey to bring all Versova operations to the Advanced Level for every aspect of the US-RSPE Framework. This role will provide guidance for the application and implementation of the sustainability framework across Versova, lead the measurement of the company’s sustainable efforts, create the Versova Sustainability Scorecard and partner with the sales and marketing team to engage with customers in partnership for the development of sustainable supply chains.
“The responsibility I have for this program is one I take very seriously, and I recognize the critical opportunities for our company to advance as a sustainable, forward-looking agriculture and food production business,” said Battilega. “I’m looking forward to using my experience to further define and advance our sustainability efforts and to demonstrate through our collective actions the level of importance Versova is placing on the sustainability.”