Four new cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) have been detected in commercial poultry flocks in recent days in Canada – each of which was confirmed in a different province.
According to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), one new case was confirmed in Ontario on October 6, while the following day Quebec, Manitoba and Saskatchewan each had a new case.
The Quebec case was the first confirmed case in the province since August 1. This particular case occurred in St-Jacques le Mineur. Previously, there had not been any HPAI detections in that location this year.
The Manitoba case occurred in Bifrost-Riverton, the fifth HPAI case in that rural municipality of 2022.
Meanwhile, the Ontario case was confirmed in the West Lincoln Township, and the Saskatchewan case occurred in Monet. It was the first HPAI case of the year for both locations.
CFIA has not yet released information concerning the size of the affected flocks, or what type of production was done at the affected farms. Information of that nature is expected to be released at a later date by the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH).
More details on earlier Canadian cases
WOAH recently reported flock information concerning six cases of HPAI confirmed in September. Between those six flocks – two in Saskatchewan and Alberta – more than 230,000 birds were affected.
Two of those flocks involved commercial turkey operations. A case confirmed on Wainwright County, Alberta, on September 16 involved 11,200 turkeys, while another case confirmed a day earlier in Wetaskiwin County, Alberta, included 19,200 turkeys.
A case confirmed on September 18 in Smoky Lake County, Alberta, involved 39,000 commercial laying hens.
A case confirmed on September 19 in Laird, Saskatchewan involved 50,400 broiler breeders, while another case in Laird, identified only as commercial poultry, was the largest of the four affected flocks, with 91,339 birds.
Another case in Warner County, Alberta, confirmed on September 17, was also only identified as commercial poultry. There were 19,440 birds in that flock.
To learn more about HPAI cases in commercial poultry flocks in the United States and Canada, see an interactive map on
Read our ongoing coverage of the global avian influenza outbreak.
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