Marcel Denieul elected president of SPACE

The board of directors ofSPACE, who met in Rennes, France on January 20, unanimously elected Marcel Denieulas president of SPACE. He succeeds Jean-Michel Lemetayer.

The board of directors of SPACE, who met in Rennes, France on January 20, unanimously elected Marcel Denieul as president of SPACE. He succeeds Jean-Michel Lemetayer.  

Marcel Denieul has been president of the Ille et Vilaine Chamber of Agriculture since February 2013.  

Marcel Denieul is a farmer in Janze, France, in a GAEC with 10 associates whose main commodities are milk, pork and Janzé chicken. He is also vice-president of the Regional Chamber of Agriculture of Brittany, president of the GIE Elevages Bretagne and Deputy Secretary General of the National Federation of Milk Producers.  

SPACE 2014, a French animal agriculture show, has been scheduled for September 16-19 in Rennes.

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