Mexico is world’s seventh largest producer of animal protein

At the end of 2014, Mexico was ranked seventh amongcountries in the world in the production of animal protein, which includes chickensand eggs

At the end of 2014, Mexico was ranked seventh among countries in the world in the production of animal protein, which includes chickens and eggs. The national animal production sector is one of the country’s most dynamic industries, generating more jobs and driving economic growth, said the general coordinator of Livestock of the Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (Sagarpa), Francisco Gurría, as published on the Sagarpa website.

Gurría noted that about MXP6.5 billion (US$440 million) were invested in the animal protein sector in 2014.

Gurría explained on the aforementioned website that "the area devoted to livestock in the country is of 113 million hectares, equivalent to more than half of the country, where honey, milk, beef, goat, lamb, pork and chicken" and eggs are produced.

In chicken production, Mexico is the fifth largest producer in the world, with 2.8 million metric tons of meat per year. Mexico is also the world’s fifth largest egg producer, with an estimated production of 2.5 million metric tons.

Gurría emphasized that, according to what has been anticipated, these figures could record significant increases, as global food demand by 2022 will call for an additional 60 million metric tons of meat. Thus, good times are foreseen for Mexican producers.

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