Tyson Foods to donate $50 million to help end hunger

Tyson Foods is pledging $50 million in cash and in-kind donations over the next five years in the fight against hunger, with a special focus on innovative initiatives at the local level.

After donating 100 million pounds of food over the past 15 years, Tyson Foods, Inc. is making a new commitment to hunger relief. The company has announced it is pledging $50 million in cash and in-kind donations over the next five years in the fight against hunger, with a special focus on innovative initiatives at the local level.

This commitment builds on Tyson's long partnership with hunger relief organizations, including Share Our Strength, Feeding America, and the Food Research and Action Center.

"We know we can't solve hunger alone," said 

Donnie Smith, president and CEO of Tyson Foods. "It's the organizations and heroes in communities all over the country who are doing the real work. We're proud to support those who are fighting hunger across the country and shine a spotlight on individuals making a big difference in innovative ways."

As part of its five-year commitment, Tyson will recognize individuals on the frontlines of fighting hunger in their communities, like 

Lola Stephens-Bell of Austin, TX. In a recent documentary-style film, Tyson follows Lola through her weekly routine: running her restaurant where she also serves free meals out the back door, and closing the restaurant four days a week to drive meals to underserved people in Austin.

"We want to tell the stories of people like Lola, people doing extraordinary things where they live and work," said Smith. "Lola herself has faced hunger and homelessness in the past, and she knows the struggle of feeding a family firsthand. Her hard work helps us realize that hunger faces many of our friends and neighbors, and inspires us to take action."


Lola Stephens-Bell, touching hearts through her soul food: www.TysonHungerRelief.com.

Tyson aims to empower individuals and organizations to better serve the hungry in their communities and further efforts to find innovative approaches and mobilize action to alleviate hunger.

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