Feedlogic Corporation is opening a new store in Willmar, MN, to serve the growing need for better connectivity and communication technology for farmers and provide training in the use of the technology so it provides maximum value to farmers.
Farm Tech Store provides a range of hardware, software, and accessories to improve productivity on farms and give more options for connectivity. “Our initial focus is connectivity,” said Feedlogic President Drew Ryder. “We are living in an age where reliable access to the Internet has become critical for business and farming is no exception. Farmers and rural residents have struggled to get good Internet service and there are no short-term solutions for widespread cable- or fiber-based broadband service in rural communities. We are offering alternatives for fast Internet service using cellular technology. We have been connecting farms all over the Midwest using this technology and providing customers with fast, reliable service.”
Farm Tech Store is also demonstrating and selling new technologies to connect devices to the Internet so that important farming processes can be monitored remotely. “We have become leaders in the new fast-growing world of the “Internet of Things” as it applies to agriculture,” Ryder said. “For example, we can connect sensors and meters to the cloud so that farmers are alerted when feed bins are close to empty and need to be filled, if animals are not drinking enough, if the power has gone out in a barn, or if the temperature is too high or too low,” said Ryder.
“We also have ways to connect to automatic animal scales so that large producers can monitor the growth rate of animals and better predict when they need to go to market. One of our clients is the largest chicken producer in the world which is saving money with the technology by marketing more birds within a very narrow weight range.
“For crop farmers, we have weather stations which can be placed on fields and monitored remotely as well as aerial imaging services which use NDVI technology to help farmers target fertilizers and pesticides and increase yields.”