USPOULTRY plans education-packed year

The U.S. Poultry & Egg Association is planning more than 14 poultry-related seminars and workshops for 2016.

USPOULTRY is sponsoring more than 14 poultry-related seminars and workshops during 2016. The programs, which cover all phases of the industry, will begin in March with the Feed Mill Management Seminar in Nashville, TN

Barbara Jenkins, USPOULTRY’s VP of education and student programs, said, “USPOULTRY’s cost-effective seminars and workshops provide members and industry representatives with tools, knowledge and technical expertise to help keep their operations running efficiently and effectively. With the help of industry leaders, our association spends numerous hours planning education programs that our members and attendees find valuable every year. We are excited to announce another robust, education-packed year full of learning and networking opportunities for the poultry and egg industries.”

Seminar topics and sessions include human resources, financial management, National Breeders Roundtable, Poultry Processor Workshop and Hatchery Breeder Clinic.

Information and registration are available at

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