Delair Bolis of MSD Animal Health, Gary Johnson of McDonald’s Corp. and Jerry Moye of Cobb-Vantress were recently installed on the Executive Committee of the International Poultry Council. The three became the first IPC associate members to be elected to the executive committee, following a modification to the by-laws last year.
Previously, only country members could serve on the committee, which provides policy guidance to the IPC membership. Bolis, Johnson and Moye were elected to one-year terms in a special election held last November and were installed at the IPC’s recent conference in Abu Dhabi.
Also during the meeting, members re-elected to the executive committee Dr. Vivien Kite, executive director of the Australian Chicken Meat Federation, and Robin Horel, president of the Canadian Poultry and Egg Processors Council.
In a separate action, the executive committee re-elected Jim Sumner, president of the USA Poultry & Egg Export Council, as president of the IPC, and Ricardo Santin, vice president of the Brazilian Animal Protein Association, as vice president. The committee also reappointed Kite as a member-at-large and Horel as treasurer.