New feed mill opens in eastern Bolivia

A new feed mill has been opened in Santa Cruz to support small producers of poultry meat, pork and beef.

A new feed mill has been opened in Santa Cruz to support small producers of poultry meat, pork and beef.

The new factory, located in Cuatro Cañadas in the department of Santa Cruz in the east of Bolivia, is the second phase in a development by the government department, Empresa de Apoyo a la Producción de Alimentos (Project Company to Support Food Production; Emapa).

“They invested more than 13 million Boliviano (US$1.9 million) in this plant so we can produce enough complete feed to support the productive sector of the regions of Cochabamba and Santa Cruz, among other areas of the country,” the plant's general manager, Avelino Flores, told La Razón.

"This represents an important development as we now have access to compound feed,” said Isidoro Barrientos, the president of the agricultural chamber of small producers in eastern Bolivia (CAPO).

The Italian-made plant has a capacity of 10 tons of mash and 5 tons of pelleted feed per hour, and it will produce feed for cattle, pigs, poultry and pets.

Barrientos added that the new feed mill offers the sector the opportunity to grow and develop.

“This project will improve conditions for all farmers,” said Alvaro Pardo, Deputy Minister of for Medium- and Large-Scale Production, “and it is proof of that the government is responding to the needs of the farming sector.”

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