More outsourcing of deliveries has brought improved transport efficiency at British company Wheyfeed Ltd., which supplies co-products for use as animal feed ingredients. The change followed advice from consultants Davies & Robson, who specialize in supply chain management and logistics.
Davies & Robson's recommendations included the introduction of measures to improve vehicle fill and to allow profit and loss for each vehicle shift to be calculated accurately. As a result, Wheyfeed now uses a number of sub-contractors while reducing the size of its own vehicle fleet. According to Wheyfeed’s managing director, Stuart Bridge, the implementation of the consultancy’s recommendations brought significant benefits that have helped to secure the future of its feeds business, as well as providing a platform for continued development. “In addition to a ‘fresh pair of eyes’, Davies & Robson brought experience and knowledge of current logistics best practice far beyond our own," said Bridge. "We were also impressed by how quickly we began to see the results of their recommendations and estimate that the payback period on our investment in their services has been within the year.”