Two products from the Mycofix product line of animal health company Biomin, Mycofix Secure and Biomin BBSH 797, have become the first products authorized by the European Union (EU) as substances with proven mycotoxin counteracting properties.
The pig feed additive BBSH 797 is the first-ever microorganism to be authorized, affirming its capability in the biodegradation of trichothecenes. The patented active bacterium in Biomin BBSH 797 modifies the structure of these mycotoxins, a biotransformation process that renders trichothecenes such as deoxynivalenol harmless.
Mycofix Secure is a bentonite (dioctahedral montmorillonite) that fulfills the requirements on aflatoxin-binding capability, according to the European Union Reference Laboratory (EURL). In cooperation with the EURL, Biomin developed an analytical method to characterize the AfB1-binding capacity of bentonites which has now become part of the authorization process for aflatoxin binders.
The process towards the authorization of Mycofix Secure and BiominBBSH 797 in the EU began when the EU Association of Specialty Feed Ingredients and their Mixtures established the Mycotoxins Task Force in 2005. In 2009, the task force opened a new functional group for mycotoxin counteracting products. This led to the publication of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) guidance for anti-mycotoxin product registration-including proofs for mycotoxin and species specificity, efficacy and safety-which have generally deterred the industry from submitting dossiers for EU authorization of anti-mycotoxin feed additives.
In 2010, Biomin became the first feed additive company to submit a dossier to legalize the claim of "aflatoxin-binding" properties. This was followed in 2012 with a dossier for the "biodegradation of trichothecenes" for EU approval. After a thorough scientific evaluation process, Biomin became the first feed additive company to obtain positive opinions from EFSA on these technological feed additives capable of reducing the negative impacts of mycotoxins in animals.