Animal welfare third biggest concern

600 people were asked to list their top five social issues. They ranked health insurance, living wages, and animal welfare as the top three.

In May, the restaurant market research firm Technomic Inc. conducted a survey of 600 people who had recently eaten at a restaurant to list their top five social issues. First was health insurance, second was paying people a living wage, but third was animal welfare, including the humane treatment of animals, which was named by 58 percent of those surveyed, according to The Los Angeles Times.

The article states that “fast-food chains are changing the way they purchase pork and eggs, chefs are dropping ingredients not seen as animal friendly, farmers and slaughterhouses are changing how they treat livestock, and one grocery store chain is adding animal-welfare ratings to its meats.”

Even so, one man interviewed for the article said he doesn’t “think about the animals. I think about eating.” He added that food is expensive enough already, and farmers should raise animals the most practical way to keep expenses down. The article says the California man scoffs at Burger King’s plan to pay a premium for cage-free eggs. “I’d buy the cheaper eggs,” the man says.

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