Research confirms role of eggs in healthy diet

Additional research presented at Experimental Biology 2007 highlighted the benefits of eggs

A new study presented recently at Experimental Biology 2007 reported that eating eggs for breakfast as part of a reduced-calorie diet helped overweight women lose more weight and feel more energetic than those who at a bagel breakfast. This study confirms previous findings, published in the Journal of American College of Nutrition, that when people ate eggs for breakfast they felt more satisfied and consumed fewer calories throughout the day as compared to when they had a bagel breakfast.

“While it’s been well established that food such as eggs that contain the highest quality protein help people feel full longer, we were surprised at how definite these findings were,” said Nikhil V. Dhurandhar, lead researcher and associate professor in the department of infection and obesity at Louisiana State University’s Pennington Biomedical Research Center. “The women who consumed eggs as part of their diet plan lost significantly more weight, had greater reductions in waist circumference and reported significantly higher energy levels,” he said.

Additional research presented at Experimental Biology 2007 highlighted the benefits of eggs, including their role in providing choline, an essential nutrient, which is often lacking in the American diet. Notably, pregnant women and women of child-bearing age were found to have low choline intake, a concern as choline has been shown to help prevent birth defects and promote brain and memory development.

Another study found that eggs contributed just 0.6% of males’ and 0.4% of females’ coronary heart disease risk, when other risk factors such as age, genetics, dietary pattern, smoking, alcohol consumption, high blood pressure, and obesity are taken into account.
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