“The MPC is deeply grateful to the support the United Egg Producers continues to show the COE,” said Beth Nelson, president of the Midwest Poultry Consortium. “Its support of our mission to better prepare students for entry into the poultry industry upon graduation is invaluable and demonstrates their commitment to the poultry industry.”
This year, 29 students from 12 of our 14 members states will attend a series of intensive classes on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus. The program offers 18 poultry science credits in two six–week summer sessions. Classes include: Avian Physiology, Breeder Flock and Hatchery Management, Poultry Products Technology, Avian Health, Poultry Nutrition, and Poultry Enterprise Management. Problem solving and state-of-the-art training in laboratory situations are integrated with industry field trips.
Participants are provided scholarship support to assist them, including tuition and housing. A student coordinator from the MPC works closely with each undergraduate to coordinate details on the summer program and arrange internship opportunities.
“We continue to devote ourselves to revitalizing poultry science educational opportunities for students in our member states,” Nelson concluded. “Without the support from organizations like the United Egg Producers, our work would not be possible.”