Use of enzyme supplements

Effective amino acid conversion for lysine was superior in broilers to eggs.

At Alltech's recent 25th International Animal Health and Nutrition Symposium, Dr. Simon Shane, from North Carolina State University, presented a review of U.S. and international feed consumption with emphasis on monogastric species. The effective feed conversion for broiler meat was projected to be 4.0 and the corresponding value for eggs was 2.6 based on cooked and edible product and taking into account feed consumed by both the parent and commercial generations.

Effective amino acid conversion for lysine was superior in broilers to eggs (2.0 vs. 2.2) but the sulphur-containing amino acid conversion of eggs was superior to broiler meat (1.6 vs. 2.6). Studies conducted by Alltech collaborators were reviewed with reference to corn-soy diets and formulations containing copra meal and palm kernel meal using enzyme supplementation. The contribution of enzymes to sustainability was calculated with forward projection through the year 2115.

As much as 34 million metric tons of feed could be saved if a 6% improvement in feed ingredient utilization could be achieved through the use of appropriate enzyme supplements. In the U.S., potential savings, assuming a 5% improvement, could amount to $1.15 billion for the combined consumption of the egg, broiler, turkey and hog industries. This value corresponds to a saving in corn and soybean cultivation approximating 1.8 million acres.

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