Feed represents a significant vehicle to transmit toxins, pathogens and adulterants to livestock with undesirable effects. A further complication is that introduction of specific compounds or disease-causing organisms into the food chain can result in expensive and infrequently serious health outcomes for consumers. The potential magnitude of the problem is highlighted by the fact that in the U.S. over 140 million tons of feed including concentrates will be manufactured and consumed this year for all livestock species and companion animals. We have a collective responsibility to maintain the integrity of the food chain for all stakeholders. With increased regulatory scrutiny and media attention, the feed industry cannot afford the negative publicity, disruption and the direct and consequential costs of a major product recall.
Feed manufacturers, whether independents, in integrations or cooperatives, are advised to upgrade quality control, consider and eliminate possible routes of entry of contaminants, ensure that records are adequate for traceability and run and maintain plants as if an FDA inspection were to take place on the following day.
In order to assist in such upgrading, the annual Feed Management Directory and Source Guide is compiled to help producers and the allied industry locate equipment, services, ingredients and additives. The list of suppliers is as comprehensive as WATT can achieve using current data and any omissions are unintentional.
We welcome suggestions and comments from users regarding product classifications and ways to improve use of the guide. We also request manufacturers and suppliers to contact WATT if they have been omitted so that we can add their names to next year’s edition.
WATT hopes that you will find the guide useful.