Feeding the World in 2050: Alltech announces theme for 2011 lecture tour

Alltech will focus on the long-term challenges of agriculture with its 2011 North American Lecture Tour, "Feeding the World in 2050: Dinner for 9.3 Billion People." The 21-stop tour, which will take place from Jan. 8 through Jan. 28, will explore how agriculture and the animal health industry can find the balance for sustainable food production, production of energy and protection of resources while satisfying consumer demands.

Alltech will focus on the long-term challenges of agriculture with its 2011 North American Lecture Tour, "Feeding the World in 2050: Dinner for 9.3 Billion People."

The 21-stop tour, which will take place from Jan. 8 through Jan. 28, will explore how agriculture and the animal health industry can find the balance for sustainable food production, production of energy and protection of resources while satisfying consumer demands. “It is widely accepted that global food demand may double by 2050 as the worldwide population moves towards its expected apex,” said Alltech founder and president Dr. Pearse Lyons. “We in agriculture must think differently by adopting new technology at a faster pace and communicating in a way we never have."

Lecture topics include strategies for improving performance while satisfying the consumer and protecting the environment, the applications of Nutrigenomics, trace mineral nutrition, how the "farm of the future" will look and how agribusiness can sustain itself in the long-term.

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